Trademark Application


1. Legal Protection
2. Unique Identity
3. Creation of Asset
4. Trust or Goodwill
5. Global Trademark filing

Documents required for Trademark application:

1. Applicant Name & status
2. Business type for Class classification
3. PAN card and Aadhar card (in case of individual)
4. Partnership deed, PAN card and MSME certificate (in case of Partnership)
5. Incorporation Certificate, PAN card (in case of Company)
6. LOGO (if applicable)
7. Digital signature of Authorized signatory

Step by Step Procedure:

1. Understand the Eligibility Criteria
2. Determine the Appropriate Class(es) of Goods or Services
3. Conduct a Trademark Search
4. Prepare the TM-A Application Form
5. Vienna Codification process
6. Trademark examination
7. Trademark Journal publication
8. Trademark hearing
9. Trademark registration

Free Estimation

Place your Request here or call at +91-8946896877